
The Kolyu Ficheto's Bridge

The Kolyu Ficheto's bridge is built by Kolyu Ficheto in the middle of 19th century. The equipment is one of the early hydrotechnical structures of the master and with this equipment he developed his ideas for the traditional renaissance type hunchbacked (Roman) bridge. Its length is 38.50 m. and the width of the roadway and the pavements is 5m. The bridge has four vault arches with different sized apertures, and they lie on three massive stone columns. The second vault arch is the highest, over which the bridge roadway is lightly crookbacked. The bridge columns with water-splitters and arched apertures let the high tide to go through. The bridge covering is a coarse kaldaram (square stones put into the ground and arranged on any area, street or path), and on the sidewalks – stone plates that goes in front of the blocks of the vault arches and the fencing wall in order to form a perch and to enhance the curve of the roadway. The form of all the arches and water outlet apertures is enhanced by a cornice. 

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